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Muslim Peace Dove

Muslim Peace Dove

Loss of Habitat

Loss of Habitat

Chubby Cheeks

Chubby Cheeks

Frightened Guard Dog

Frightened Guard Dog

Wild Hare

Wild Hare

Black Cat

Black Cat



Transgender Bull

Transgender Bull

The Be Humane campaign seeks to discover whether granting animal attributes to humans may generate empathy to the same degree as animals given human characteristics. For my subjects, I have chosen members of society often marginalized or misunderstood, those that garner little sympathy from those who do not share their burdens. For example: the homeless, prostitutes, the overweight, those with mental disorders, members of the LGBT community, etc. I propose that portraying these individuals as anthropomorphic animals, particularly companion animals, might draw a glaring dilemma into focus. That being that people more readily feel sympathy for animals than for other people.

Be Humane
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